Apollo was born 4/8/12 from Heidi's first litter. I was 3rd pick male. I was so excited to get a Rosehall pup. When the litter arrived Heidi had two girls, both didn't make it. She had only two boys. Emily sent me an email telling me I wouldn't be getting a pup. I was pretty upset and disappointed. When the boys turned about seven weeks, Emily sent me photos of a puppy from that same litter for one reason or another the people couldn't take him. Did I want him ?? YES !!
Apollo is now eight months old and a joy to have. He weighs 95 pounds and is a big sweet boy !! He
s a good swimmer and hiker. He keeps our older dogs, Razor and Lila active. It's hard to remember he's just a baby due to his size. He is a gift !! The photos are when he was younger. Will post updated pic's later.