I am four months old.
My mommy says I am a very good girl.
I have a very good teacher.
I get into a little trouble sometimes....
And I am always ready to eat
I Love Mommy!
Rosehall Kennel Gerrman Shepherd owners often find themselves 'in community' with other people who have Rosehall GSD's. Here is a place where families can keep the community updated about what is going on with their special Rosehall GSD. You can find Rosehall Kennel on the web at: www.rosehallkennel.com and on Facebook: www.facebook.com/RosehallLargeGermanShepherds and Rosehall Kennel's own blog: http://rosehallshepherds.blogspot.com/ If you use Twitter look for @MiaRosehall ; -)
She is so beautiful..and fluffy !!